Welcome to our

A wonderful collection of images inside the WonderDome or artwork children have been inspired to create for our presenters (which they always treasure receiving).

We’ve also created SPACE THEMED ACTIVITIES to support curriculum learning. Check out some of the results.

If you’d like to see your WonderDome experience featured in our GALLERY OF WONDER,
please send images to enquiries@wonderdome.co.uk

A WonderDome coronation
Presenter Steve was recently crowned King of the Domes by pupils who’d enjoyed the WonderDome
The perfect place – IYKYK
Dome inside a dome
Our presenter Curtis was made up when he arrived at the venue!
An atmospheric location for the WonderDome
Sen pupil drawing
After visiting the WonderDome a pupil was motivated to draw the Solar System and other space items.
Protected and safe
A summer event where the WonderDome was outside and well protected from the weather.
A stunning location
Summer activities for Hyde Library