All our planetarium shows are presenter-led, providing a truly personal experience for everyone. In our Primary School planetarium shows we cover the key curriculum programme of study (England, Scotland and Wales), allowing pupils to be absorbed in the world and Universe around them. Content is flexed to enhance any space themed topic, as well as providing a cross-curriculum opportunity to explore concepts and ideas across many subjects.
Inspire future space explorers and scientists and kickstart their love for space & science with WonderDome.
Take a look at our GALLERY OF WONDER and see how others have enjoyed their WonderDome experience.
At a glance
Our Key stage 2 / P4-6 show provides a greater understanding and appreciation of our position in the Universe. From introducing them to the sheer scale of the Universe, to demonstrating how the Moon moves through its phases. Our presenters are all skilled in simplifying the most complex of concepts. And if times allows will be happy to answer pupils burning space-related questions. It’s awe-inspiring to see just how much a WonderDome experience can spark a desire to learn more.KEY STAGE 2 / P4-6