Edinburgh mobile planetarium
Unforgettable out-of-classroom experience, without the travel hassle
WonderDome Edinburgh mobile planetarium has been visiting schools & groups around Edinburgh for over 10 years now. Our presenter-led space-themed planetarium shows are a motivating addition to science topics, adding a sense of wonder about the Universe around us.
Our mobile planetarium shows are suitable for all ages & abilities and tailored to each group. You can be assured that our shows will spark a desire to learn and to explore so much more. So, stepping into a WonderDome Edinburgh mobile planetarium transports you on a cosmic journey, a thrilling adventure exploring the wonders of the Universe. Our captivating shows are tailored to all ages, delivering curriculum-focused (England, Scotland and Wales), presenter-led content which will ignite their curiosity. From planet formation to the birth and death of stars, from launching rockets to stepping foot on other worlds, it’s an unforgettable opportunity to bring the marvels of space right into your school or venue. Inspire future space explorers and kickstart their lifelong love of space and science with a WonderDome experience.
Chat to Mission Control (our bookings office) to find out how we can make this an unforgettable experience.
Find out more about our inflatable planetarium shows:
Knowledgeable, friendly and awe-inspiring, you can’t help but be mesmerised by a WonderDome planetarium presenter. With a genuine passion for space they’ll take you on a cosmic journey.
Find out how your Edinburgh mobile planetarium will be a 5-star stellar experience.
There’s always a buzz of excitement when people see the ‘silver space dome’ appear in the hall or venue because it looks so exciting. Here’s how it all works.
You may also be interested to visit other places of astronomical interest in this area. Please find below a couple of links:
The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh
The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh have been sharing their love of astronomy with Edinburgh, the Lothians, UK and around the world, since 1924.
Their aim iss to have something happening at least three times a month. The first Friday of each month will be a hybrid meeting at 7:30pm at the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. This will also be broadcast on Zoom for ASE members and YouTube for visitors. The second talk, sometime around the middle of the month, will just be on Zoom and YouTube.
Social Dimensions of Outer Space
In Autumn 2017, Social Dimensions of Outer Space (SDOS) network was formed by academics across the University of Edinburgh, based on a pathway “Space Cluster” project at the Science, Technology and Innovation Studies group in 2016-17. The network brings together natural and social scientists, as well as academics and practitioners across a variety of humanities and arts disciplines.
In the past years, its membership has expanded across several Scottish higher education institutions and other organisations. The network is also developing a series of larger projects, such as the Scotland in Space collaborative publication and the Space Enlightenment Festival.